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Frequently Asked Questions


What can I expect if I'm selected to participate in Upward Bound?    (top)

You can expect to have a wonderful time learning, making friends, and sharing new experiences. You’ll have interesting classes, scholarship opportunities, seminars on how to succeed in high school and college, college tours, exciting field trips, and make friends you’ll treasure forever!

What can Upward Bound do to assist in my efforts to obtain a college education?     (top)

The program will help you to master the subjects that colleges require you to have such as:  English, Math and Science.  There is also time for personal enrichment activities designed to best meet high school students’ needs and interests.

UB can benefit you by:

  • Assisting you with navigating how to apply for college financial aid
  • Coaching for study, time management, and decision making skills
  • Providing educational field trips
  • Year round career, academic, and financial planning
  • Broaden your life experiences through cultural events, academic programs and other activities
  • Offering financial stipends
  • Providing monthly  one-on-one tutoring
  • Supplying on-line supplemental tutoring programs that are available 24 hours/7 days a week

How can I be selected to participate in Upward Bound?   (top)

To be considered for UB, students must:

  • Meet income standards set by the federal government and/or
  • Be a potential first-generation college student (Meaning  that neither of your parents have earned a four year college degree)
  • Be academically able to succeed in higher education,
  • Be in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade
  • Must live in Casey, Estill, Jackson, Lee, Lincoln, Powell, or Wolfe County (If you do not live in one of these counties, UB will assist you with determining if there is a program in your home county)

Selected participants are also determined by their ability to demonstrate:

  • A desire to succeed in higher education
  •  Motivation toward the achievement of lifetime goals and dreams
  • The ability to be respectful of themselves and others
  • Appropriate behavior in their school, community, campus, state and the world!

How do I apply for Upward Bound?    (top)

Check out the “Upward Bound Forms” on the home page and follow the directions.

How much does Upward Bound cost?    (top)

Upward Bound is sponsored by the United States Department of Education and is offered at no membership cost to you or your family.  All UB students get weekly stipends that help them to pay for their basic expenses during the summer “Chautauqua program”.


What is the summer "Chautauqua program"?    (top)

During the summer, you will spend six exciting weeks at Eastern Kentucky University living in the dorms and taking classes that will help you get ready for college.  There are traditional (i.e.English, Foreign Language, Geometry, Trigonometry, Chemistry) and non-traditional courses (i.e. Photography, Speech & Drama, Journalism) to help you develop creative thinking toward your success in college!

What if I am shy or scared about being away from home?    (top)

Don’t be! It’s natural to feel apprehensive when you’re meeting new people and starting a program. But relax--EVERYONE else felt the same way and will go out of their way to make you feel welcome.

Can my parents visit?    (top)

Absolutely! Parents and family members are welcome any time and encouraged to participate in many of our activities. We also welcome your friends during free time and invite them to join us in pick-up volleyball games, Ultimate Frisbee and more. Of course, your guests must abide by our rules while they are here.

What if I get homesick?    (top)

Well, the truth is, you may be a bit homesick in the beginning. And that’s not a bad thing--I’d hate to think you didn’t miss your family at all! But if you stick with us, you’ll soon be involved in activities, meet new friends and feel completely at home. Our biggest problem is trying to talk people into going home on the weekends!

What if I need to miss some or all of the summer program?    (top)

Our program runs throughout the academic year, but the “meat” of our work is done in the summer, so it is vital that students participate in the summer residential portion of the program. Students may possibly be excused for certain reasons. However, the summer dates are provided months in advance so that you can schedule your family vacation and other activities around those weeks.

What happens during the school year?    (top)

Students enrolled in UB have monthly on-campus Saturday academic enrichment sessions, tutoring sessions and school visits offering each participant a minimum of three personal contacts per monthly.  Monthly newsletters and frequent correspondence are posted on UB’s website and social networking site for additional information.

Where will I live on campus?    (top)

This year the Upward Bound program will be in housed Sullivan Hall. Visit the housing website to learn more about Sullivan Hall.

Who will be my roommate?    (top)

You choose your own roommate late in the spring, after you’ve become acquainted with everyone in the program. Sometimes best friends from the same school choose to room together, other times people seek out someone they know only slightly. One student said recently, “It’s better to choose someone you don’t know well--that way you get to know each other’s friends quickly. And you don’t get bored with someone you see all year long!” It’s your decision!

What are the bedrooms, bathrooms, and showers like?    (top)

Bedrooms are fairly typical college resident hall rooms-- two beds, two dressers, two desks, two chairs, two closets. Each room has a small refrigerator, cable hook-up, and telephone connection. (You bring your own phone.) You may bring a TV, stereo, posters, musical instruments, etc. The university rule is no amplifiers or drum sets, but if we’re in our own residence hall we may be flexible--after all, you need to practice for the variety show! You can decorate it as you like.

Bathrooms are communal--a couple on each floor for the students living there--but have private toilet stalls and private showers. It’s not like gym class! They are cleaned daily and work well.

What should I bring with me to the summer program?    (top)

  • Pack comfortable, casual clothes, and be sure to include a pair of gym shoes and a swimsuit.  We don’t require you to dress up for any events, but if any events do get scheduled we will announce them in time to prepare.  During the banquet and awards show, some people like to dress up, but please dress as you feel comfortable.  We never want anyone to feel required to wear anything special unless deemed necessary. All clothing must be appropriate for school (no alcohol, firearms, or offensive sayings on shirts). No short-shorts, cut-off shirts, strapless shirts.
  • Be sure to bring some sort of RAIN GEAR (umbrella, poncho, or raincoat); it will rain some time during the six weeks you are with us!
  • You must provide your own SHEETS (for a XL twin-size bed or regular sized jersey knit), PILLOWS, BLANKETS, TOWELS, WASHCLOTHS, and HANGERS
  • Laundry facilities are located in each residence hall and are equipped with washers and dryers that are available to residents.  Be considerate of other residents; don’t leave your laundry unattended in the washers and/or dryers AND don’t remove other’s laundry from the washers and/or dryers before the cycle has completed. 
  • Toiletries will not be provided; please make arrangements for your personal hygiene. Bring razor, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. You will also need FLIP-FLOPS FOR THE SHOWER.
  • Phone outlets are available in each room; however, you must provide your own phone.  Cordless phones do not work well in the buildings.
  • High-speed Internet access is available in every residence hall room.  If you wish to utilize this service you will need to provide your own personal computer along with Ethernet cable
  • Alarm Clock.   It will be YOUR responsibility to wake up in the mornings!  Tutor advisors will not be waking students up.  This means that you will want to bring an ALARM CLOCK with you when you come this summer.  Breakfast will start at 8:00 am.  You must attend breakfast and be ready for your 9:00 am class.
  • You may bring a TV, radio, or stereo; however, the sound must be kept at REASONABLE levels.
  • Other things you may wish to bring include:  stamps, stationery, addresses of friends and relatives, a small plastic bucket to carry items to/from showers, your own sports equipment (tennis racquet, baseball glove, etc.) you may wish to use. And please don’t forget to bring a positive attitude!

The EKU Housing Office has created the list below of items students typically bring with them to campus.


  • Sheets - Extra long or jersey knit twin, or deep pocket sheets
  • Mattress Pad (eggcrate)
  • Blanket
  • Pillow
  • Comforter/Bedspread
  • Bedskirt

Room Accessories

  • Touch Tone Phone
  • Alarm Clock with Battery Backup
  • Lamp
  • Storage Crates/Bins
  • Fan
  • Radio/CD/Tape Player
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Decorations (Posters, Pictures, etc.)


  • Microwave - 700 watts or less
  • TV/VCR/DVD Player
  • Computer with networking capabilities
  • Iron
  • Hot Air Popper
  • Coffee Pot - Thermostatically Controlled
  • Electric Hair Rollers/Curling Iron
  • Hair Dryer


  • Towels
  • Washcloths
  • Shower Caddy
  • Shower Shoes - Flip Flops, etc.
  • Robe
  • Shampoo, Conditioner
  • Soap
  • Hair Products
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste

What items CANNOT be brought?    (top)

The following items are NOT permitted to ensure your safety while living in the residence halls:

  • Tortier lamps (octopus lamps)
  • Hot plates
  • Toaster ovens
  • Pop-up toasters
  • Deep fryers
  • Electric frying pans
  • Sandwich makers
  • Grills (like the George Foreman Grill)
  • Fuel tanks (propane, kerosene, etc.)
  • Space heaters
  • Any other appliances with an exposed heating element
  • Candles/candle warmers/incense
  • Octopus plugs
  • Extension cords
  • Power strips that are not UL approved and do not have their own self-contained circuit breaker
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